Enoshima Part2

Tourist Spot

If you go further through Enoshima Shrine, you will reach the coast behind the Enoshima island.

Iwaya (cave) is the birthplace of Enoshima worship. There are two Iwaya (caves),
the first one said to lead to Mt.Fuji’s ice cave, and the second Iwaya said to be the land of the legend
of the dragon god.

Enoshima URL:https://www.fujisawa-kanko.jp/spot/enoshima/17.html

This place is called The “Chigogafuchi”.
The “Chigogafuchi” is known for the beauty of the crashing waves and the sunset over Mt. Fuji,
and has been selected as one of the 50 scenic spots in Kanagawa.

There is a stone lantern on the rock of the Enoshima Island.

Many people go down the stairs on the right and go to the rocky coast before heading directly to
the cave iwaya.

It is a rough wave with waves crashing against the rock surface and splashes of water.

Entrance fee is required to enter the cave called “Iwaya”

・Junior High School Student and above : 500 JPY
・Elementary School Student                  : 200 JPY

When you enter the cave, you will first see many exhibits.
At first, the inside of the cave is bright with lights, but it gets darker as you go deeper.

Carry a candle in one hand on the way to go deeper into Cave.

This is the original place of Enoshima Shrine, enshrined in 552.

In the depths of the cave, there is an object in the shape of a dragon.
When you clap your hands and make a sound, you can hear the roar of the dragon, and people put their hands together to make a wish.

Enoshima has prospered as a land of dragon god worship

There are many teahouses and restaurants on the way to Cave Iwaya.
A teahouse that offers sweets such as anmitsu and shaved ice.  Aburaya

This is the restaurant serving seafood. Enoshima Tei

There are many other restaurants along the way, so it’s hard to decide which restaurant to choose.

On the other hand, there are many restaurants, so it is convenient to take a break on the way to Cave  Iwaya

Shima-warashi is a Japanese restaurant located near the entrance of Enoshima.

Sashimi Set Meal: 2,100 JPY
It was so yammy!


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